The O'Meara Foundation
Supporting Deserving Hartford County College Students Since 1944
in the Future
Donation checks in memory of
Dr. William Foster O'Meara
should be made out to:
The O'Meara Foundation
Checks can be sent by US Mail to:
The O'Meara Foundation
PO Box 290157
Wethersfield, CT 06129

The O’Meara Foundation was established in 1944 by Martin J. O’Meara, Sr., president of O’Meara Motors Inc. in East Hartford, CT. Mr. O’Meara wished to thank especially the residents of the Greater Hartford region for their support of his very successful Ford dealership throughout his business career. Therefore awards are restricted to residents of Hartford county (CT). The O’Meara Foundation is also a qualified tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Tax Code such that donations made to it qualify as tax deductible by the donor to the full extent permitted by law.
The O’Meara Foundation awards funds annually to assist worthy applicants to fund the cost of a college education. The amount of each award varies depending on the individual financial needs of each applicant under consideration and the total funds available for distribution in any given year. Typically one hundred individual awards are made annually.
Since the Foundation beginning, over 4200 grants have been awarded totaling over Five Million Dollars in value. The O’Meara Foundation does NOT provide awards for graduate studies beyond the bachelor level.
The directors meet in July to consider applications and applicants are notified of the board decision soon after.
New applicants are required to furnish a High School Equivalency Certificate or their most recent full high school transcript if just entering college, or their transcript for the first semester of the current year if already attending college. New applicants are required a recommendation letter from a faculty member or administrator at the high school or college most recently attended. New applicants with a high school equivalency certificate should obtain a letter from a trusted life advisor who can speak to the applicant’s life skills and achievements.
All renewal applicants must send a transcript from their college being attended. If a transcript cannot be made available from the college by June 1st the applicant MUST send a copy of their grades received for the first semester. This will hold their application open until the transcript arrives. The transcript MUST be received in the Foundation office not later than July 1 of the application year.
All applicants must include a copy of the latest parent or guardian’s Federal Income Tax 1040 return with their application along with their own 1040 return if one has been filed. Please follow the instructions on the application carefully.
Completed applications and all required support material must be received at the O’Meara Foundation office no later than May 1st. Incomplete or late applications will NOT be considered.
Requests for applications should be directed to The O’Meara Foundation from January through May.